New York Kennedy Airport: Model of Pan Am terminal (1960)


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Terminal 3,  also known by the trademarked name Worldport, was an iconic airport terminal built by Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) in 1960 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, United States. Initially called the Pan Am terminal, it operated from May 24, 1960 to May 24, 2013, and was demolished in 2013–2014.

➡️ Read all about the Pan Am terminal here

➡️ See more Pan Am downloads

➡️ See more JFK Airport downloads

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medium-resolution image (1200 pixels)high-resolution image (2400 pixels)
Image width1200 pixels2000 pixels
Image height842 pixels1404 pixels
Suggested print size4 x 2.81 in (10.16 x 7.13 cm)6.67 x 4.68 in (16.93 x 11.89 cm)
File typeJPGJPG
File size1.13MB2.58MB


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